Day: August 1, 2022

In This Issue

In This Issue

Hello Questing Community! Welcome to the August issue of AstroLogic Magazine. The heat is on – especially if you’re in the northern hemisphere. But we


The Eyes That Changed George Michael’s Life Forever

(His powerful “latent” synastry with Anselmo!) (By Thomas Gazis) “It’s very hard to be proud of your own sexuality when it hasn’t brought you any…...

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Food for Thought

Ice Cream: The Summertime Classic with a Quirky History

Ice Cream, the summertime classic with a quirky history. Once July rolls around in Texas, it’s too hot to do just about anything other than…...

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Dreams Decoded

Dreams Decoded: Dream Incubation

 Decoding your dreams can eliminate your greatest fears and help you achieve your highest goals. Nowhere is this more evident than in dream incubation. In…...

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Liz Cheney: A Horary Outlook for the 2022 Midterm Election

/*! elementor – v3.6.7 – 03-07-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}  This is the second in a series of horary chart studies leading up…...

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Card Meanings

Court Cards and Reversals in Tarot

 To understand the energy of the Courts cards in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about them –…...

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Tarot History: Petrarch and I Trionfi

Francesco Petrarca, (1304-1374, Arezzo, Italy), commonly anglicized as Petrarch, was a scholar and poet of early Renaissance Italy, and one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch’s…...

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