Month: July 2022


Taurus The Hierophant

Living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way is what you do! While you are a reliable and grounded person you also have a deep…...

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Aries – The Emperor

You are the person people call on for impartial advice and leadership. As a visionary and someone who gets the job done, exploring new places…...

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Card Meanings

Knight of Cups

To understand the energy of the Knight of Cups card in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about…...

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July Astrology Forecast

Astrology: Fated Turning Points July 5: Mars enters Taurus, Mercury enters Cancer July 11: USA’s second Pluto return July 13: Full Moon at 21°Capricorn July…...

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July Astro-Finance Outlook: Bubbles Bursting

A Welcome to Astro-Finance. The illusion of Jupiter in Pisces has gone out the window quickly as we forget it is the natural 12 th…...

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Soul Awakening

Past Life Regression: Why Rehash the Past?

What’s the point of past life regression? The past is finished. Why cling to old ideas and stagnant energy? Out with the old, in with…...

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Soul Awakening

Past Life Regression: Why Rehash the Past?

What’s the point of past life regression? The past is finished. Why cling to old ideas andstagnant energy? Out with the old, in with the…...

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Tarot History

History of Tarot

The tarot history I’ll be referencing is prior to the Waite Colman Smith tarot collaboration, though visualevidence of the historic decks is visible and obvious…...

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Energy Healing

Heal Your Energy Body. Transform Your Life.

Each of us has our own personal energy field – or aura – that extends all theway around us. Although it’s different for everyone, it…...

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Sound Healing

Sound As Meditation and Spirituality

When I was asked to contribute to AstroLogic, I was honored to offer some insight I havegained from working with sound. Astrology and sound are…...

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