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Who's in the news
Karmic Astrology: Elon Musk
Luigi Mangione: Afflicted Aries
Luigi Mangione and Combust Mars
Trump/Musk Synastry: Bromance or Concealed Frenemies?
The Birth Chart of Notre Dame Cathedral
Quincy Jones: Quintessentially Cool
Sean Combs: A Birth-Time Rectification
Dreams Decoded
Startling Facts About Sleep and Dreams
Making Your Dreams Work For You
Dreams and Synchronicity: How They Can Transform Your Life
Dreams Decoded: Dream Incubation
Tables in Dreams
Animals in Dreams
Tarot Keywords: Cataloguing the Commonplace
Killing the Thoth Deck
“Ships That Pass”: A Relationship-Potential Spread
Logic Me This, Cardman!
Moralization of the Game of Cards: Part 1
The Oldest Tarot Spread
A Horary and Tarot Case Closure: What Happened to Devon
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve been learning that many Medieval writers padded their work in a variety of ways to increase its length. One of their favorite ploys was digression, by virtue of which they never had
An issue came up on one of the forums about which is the best book from which to learn about the Crowley-Harris Thoth deck. The answer for almost everyone is, without question, Aleister Crowley’s Book
“Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow AUTHOR’S NOTE: Relationship spreads are a favorite topic
While there certainly have been plenty of prohibitions historically against playing cards, usually the focus was anti-gambling. There have also been laws allowingcard playing, especially during certain times of the week or year and sometimes